Of course, most website analytics tools will give this information to you anyway, but if the tool you use doesn't have this feature, then it's always nice to get it for free from Google. But the best part of the Sitemaps program is ... If you already have a Gmail, Adsense, or Adwords account, then you are all set. If not, you can register an account by visiting the Google Accounts page (https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount). Building your sitemap file is pretty easy ...
Google Analytics | E-Commerce Transactions And Tracking
Enable your e-commerce transaction tracking
With some simple additions to your receipt page, Google Analytics can automatically detect and record transaction and product information. The required information is placed into an invisible form which is parsed for transaction and product information.
Most template driven e-commerce systems can be modified to include this information in the receipt.
You will also need, to enable e-commerce reporting for your website's profile:
1. From the Analytics Settings page, click Edit next to the profile you would like to enable.
2. Click Edit from the Main Website Profile Information box
3. Change the E-commerce Website radio button from No to Yes.
Filling the required information
Somewhere in the receipt, below the tracking code, the following lines need to be written by your engine. Everything in brackets should be replaced by actual values.
Check this out for more information.
How Do I Track E-Commerce Transactions?
With some simple additions to your receipt page, Google Analytics can automatically detect and record transaction and product information. The required information is placed into an invisible form which is parsed for transaction and product information.
Most template driven e-commerce systems can be modified to include this information in the receipt.
You will also need, to enable e-commerce reporting for your website's profile:
1. From the Analytics Settings page, click Edit next to the profile you would like to enable.
2. Click Edit from the Main Website Profile Information box
3. Change the E-commerce Website radio button from No to Yes.
Filling the required information
Somewhere in the receipt, below the tracking code, the following lines need to be written by your engine. Everything in brackets should be replaced by actual values.
Check this out for more information.
How Do I Track E-Commerce Transactions?
Refer to How Do I Track E-Commerce Transactions? for further instructions on writing transaction information to your receipt pages.
More Important Information
Tracking transactions across domains and subdomains;
If you are tracking transactions that occur on a different domain or subdomain than your main site,
Follow This Link >>
How Do I Use Google Analytics To Track A 3rd-Party Shopping Cart?
In there you can find the instructions for updating your tracking code.
3rd party shopping cart compatibility
Google Analytics uses 1st party cookie technology to track visitors and generate reports. 1st party cookies require that the JavaScript code be called from each web page to avoid breaching the security settings in your visitors' web browsers. If you can edit the source code of your shopping cart site and add the Google Analytics tracking code, you'll be able to use it with Google Analytics.
More Important Information
Tracking transactions across domains and subdomains;
If you are tracking transactions that occur on a different domain or subdomain than your main site,
Follow This Link >>
How Do I Use Google Analytics To Track A 3rd-Party Shopping Cart?
In there you can find the instructions for updating your tracking code.
3rd party shopping cart compatibility
Google Analytics uses 1st party cookie technology to track visitors and generate reports. 1st party cookies require that the JavaScript code be called from each web page to avoid breaching the security settings in your visitors' web browsers. If you can edit the source code of your shopping cart site and add the Google Analytics tracking code, you'll be able to use it with Google Analytics.
Google Analytics - Making Filters And Granting Access
Making Filters
Google Analytics filters principal target is include, exclude, or change the representation of certain information in a report.
Filters are not must requirement. But using them will help you define what data you see and how you see it. Since filters affect the way data is displayed in your reports, it is important to get them set up as soon as possible. Filters added after your account begins collecting data will not affect your old data.
Why you want to create filters because:
1. you want to see reports for a certain subdomain or subdirectory only
2. you would like to exclude traffic from certain people or places
3. your dynamic parameters would be more easily readable as descriptive text strings
There are a number of other reasons that you may want filters, but if none of these apply to you, you can safely ignore and go ahead.
A filter consists of;
- The name of the filter
- The type of filter you would like to implement
- The filter field that is affected.
More Information About These Fields >>
The filter pattern is the string that will be matched against the filter field. This field uses regular expressions, a special syntax that uses wildcards and text strings for matching.
More Instructions >>
To make a filter:
1. Click the Filter Manager link from the Analytics Settings page.
2. Click Add Filter.
Filter Types
Google Analytics provides main three predefined filters, useful for common tasks, as well as a number of custom filters.
Predefined filters;
1. Exclude all clicks from a domain (hostname): use this filter to exclude clicks that originate from a specific network, such as your internal work network.
2. Exclude all clicks from an IP address: this filter works to exclude clicks from certain sources. You can enter a single IP address, or a range of addresses
3. Include only traffic from a subdirectory: use this filter if you want a profile to report only on a particular subdirectory (such as www.yoursite.com/motorcycles)
Custom filters:
- Exclude Pattern: This type of filter excludes log file lines (hits) that match the Filter Pattern. Matching lines are ignored in their entirety; for example, a filter that excludes Netscape will also exclude all other information in that log line, such as visitor, path, referral, and domain information.
- Include Pattern: This type of filter includes log file lines (hits) that match the Filter Pattern. All non-matching hits will be ignored and any data in non-matching hits is unavailable to the Urchin reports.
- Search & Replace: This is a simple filter that can be used to search for a pattern within a field and replace the found pattern with an alternate form.
- Lookup Table: Selecting this filter allows you to select a lookup table name which may be used to map codes to human intelligible labels. For example, the phone models table maps abbreviated phone platform identifiers to the model and manufacturer names for phone based web browsers.
- Advanced: This type of filter allows you to build a field from one or two other fields. The filtering engine will apply the expressions in the two Extract fields to the specified fields and then construct a field using the Constructor expression. Read the Advanced Filters article for more information.
- Uppercase / Lowercase: Converts the contents of the field into all uppercase or all lowercase characters. These filters only affect letters, and will not affect characters or numbers.
Common uses
This Report traffic to a subdomain only.
If you have your tracking code on your entire domain, but would like to view reports about a particular subdomain on their own, you can create a filter to include only traffic to your subdomain.
Filter Type: Custom filter > Include
Filter Field: Hostname
Filter Pattern: subdomain\.yoursite\.com
Case Sensitive: No
This will exclude all traffic that is not on the domain subdomain.yoursite.com.
Exclude internal IP addresses - If you'd like to exclude traffic from internal IP addresses, so that your own visits and those of your employees don't show up in your reports, enter your IP address in the filter below. You can also filter out a range of addresses, as in the second example. Remember to use regular expressions in the IP Address field.
Filter Type: Exclude all traffic from an IP address
IP Address: 99\.999\.999\.9
Or, to filter a range of to 192.168.125:
Filter Type: Exclude all traffic from an IP address
IP Address: ^192\.168\.1\.([1-9]|[1-9][0-9 ]|1[01][0-9]|12[0-5])$
Grant access to other users
Google Analytics provides the permission to add any number of users to your account, and to grant varying levels of access to your reports.
Granting profile access
To allow access to another user, follow the instructions below. Please note that additional users will need to create a free Google Account in order to be granted access.
1. Click User Manager.
2. Click Add.
3. Enter the user's email address, last name, and first name.
4. Select the User Type for this user: View reports only, or Account Administrator, which allows the user to edit account settings.
5. If you selected View reports only, select the profiles to which this user should have access (note that Account Admins have access to all profiles). Reports for profiles that are not selected will not be available to this user.
6. Click Add to move these profiles into the Selected Website Profiles list.
7. Click Finish to create the new user.
Google Analytics filters principal target is include, exclude, or change the representation of certain information in a report.
Filters are not must requirement. But using them will help you define what data you see and how you see it. Since filters affect the way data is displayed in your reports, it is important to get them set up as soon as possible. Filters added after your account begins collecting data will not affect your old data.
Why you want to create filters because:
1. you want to see reports for a certain subdomain or subdirectory only
2. you would like to exclude traffic from certain people or places
3. your dynamic parameters would be more easily readable as descriptive text strings
There are a number of other reasons that you may want filters, but if none of these apply to you, you can safely ignore and go ahead.
A filter consists of;
- The name of the filter
- The type of filter you would like to implement
- The filter field that is affected.
More Information About These Fields >>
The filter pattern is the string that will be matched against the filter field. This field uses regular expressions, a special syntax that uses wildcards and text strings for matching.
More Instructions >>
To make a filter:
1. Click the Filter Manager link from the Analytics Settings page.
2. Click Add Filter.
Filter Types
Google Analytics provides main three predefined filters, useful for common tasks, as well as a number of custom filters.
Predefined filters;
1. Exclude all clicks from a domain (hostname): use this filter to exclude clicks that originate from a specific network, such as your internal work network.
2. Exclude all clicks from an IP address: this filter works to exclude clicks from certain sources. You can enter a single IP address, or a range of addresses
3. Include only traffic from a subdirectory: use this filter if you want a profile to report only on a particular subdirectory (such as www.yoursite.com/motorcycles)
Custom filters:
- Exclude Pattern: This type of filter excludes log file lines (hits) that match the Filter Pattern. Matching lines are ignored in their entirety; for example, a filter that excludes Netscape will also exclude all other information in that log line, such as visitor, path, referral, and domain information.
- Include Pattern: This type of filter includes log file lines (hits) that match the Filter Pattern. All non-matching hits will be ignored and any data in non-matching hits is unavailable to the Urchin reports.
- Search & Replace: This is a simple filter that can be used to search for a pattern within a field and replace the found pattern with an alternate form.
- Lookup Table: Selecting this filter allows you to select a lookup table name which may be used to map codes to human intelligible labels. For example, the phone models table maps abbreviated phone platform identifiers to the model and manufacturer names for phone based web browsers.
- Advanced: This type of filter allows you to build a field from one or two other fields. The filtering engine will apply the expressions in the two Extract fields to the specified fields and then construct a field using the Constructor expression. Read the Advanced Filters article for more information.
- Uppercase / Lowercase: Converts the contents of the field into all uppercase or all lowercase characters. These filters only affect letters, and will not affect characters or numbers.
Common uses
This Report traffic to a subdomain only.
If you have your tracking code on your entire domain, but would like to view reports about a particular subdomain on their own, you can create a filter to include only traffic to your subdomain.
Filter Type: Custom filter > Include
Filter Field: Hostname
Filter Pattern: subdomain\.yoursite\.com
Case Sensitive: No
This will exclude all traffic that is not on the domain subdomain.yoursite.com.
Exclude internal IP addresses - If you'd like to exclude traffic from internal IP addresses, so that your own visits and those of your employees don't show up in your reports, enter your IP address in the filter below. You can also filter out a range of addresses, as in the second example. Remember to use regular expressions in the IP Address field.
Filter Type: Exclude all traffic from an IP address
IP Address: 99\.999\.999\.9
Or, to filter a range of to 192.168.125:
Filter Type: Exclude all traffic from an IP address
IP Address: ^192\.168\.1\.([1-9]|[1-9][0-9 ]|1[01][0-9]|12[0-5])$
Grant access to other users
Google Analytics provides the permission to add any number of users to your account, and to grant varying levels of access to your reports.
Granting profile access
To allow access to another user, follow the instructions below. Please note that additional users will need to create a free Google Account in order to be granted access.
1. Click User Manager.
2. Click Add.
3. Enter the user's email address, last name, and first name.
4. Select the User Type for this user: View reports only, or Account Administrator, which allows the user to edit account settings.
5. If you selected View reports only, select the profiles to which this user should have access (note that Account Admins have access to all profiles). Reports for profiles that are not selected will not be available to this user.
6. Click Add to move these profiles into the Selected Website Profiles list.
7. Click Finish to create the new user.
Google Analytics - URL Builder And Link Tagging
Making Tags to your online ads is an important prerequisite to allowing Google Analytics to show you which marketing activities are really paying off. Fortunately, the tagging process goes smoothly - once you understand how to differentiate your campaigns. Here is a three-step process to help you get started.
1. Tag only what you must to.
If your Google Analytics account is linked to an active Google AdWords account and you have auto-tagging enabled, you don't need to tag your AdWords URLs. Google Analytics will automatically track all of your AdWords campaigns. You'll still need to tag all of your non-AdWords paid keyword links, though, as well as your banners and other ads, and the links inside your promotional e-mail messages.
There are certain links that you don't need to tag, and many times will not be able to tag. You should not attempt to tag organic (unpaid) keyword links from search engines and it isn't necessary to tag links that come from referral sites, such as portals and affiliate sites. Google Analytics automatically detects the name of the search engine and the keyword from organic (unpaid) keyword referrals, and you'll see metrics for these referrals in your reports, typically under "Organic" listings. Google Analytics also detects referrals from other websites and displays them in your reports, whether or not you have tagged them. And again, you don't need to tag your AdWords URLs if your Analytics and AdWords accounts are linked.
2. Make your links using the URL Builder.
Campaign links consist of a URL address followed by a question mark and your campaign variables. But, you won't need to worry about link syntax if you fill out the URL Builder form and press the Generate URL button. A tagged link will be generated for you and you'll be able to copy and paste it to your ad. If you're wondering which fields to fill in, you're ready for Step 3.
3. Make only the campaign variables you need.
Google Analytics' link tagging capabilities allow you to uniquely identify virtually any campaign you can think of. But, don't think that you must use all six fields in the URL Builder form in each of your links. On the contrary, you'll usually only need to use Source, Medium, Name, and Term (for paid keywords).
Read this table contents carefully. It shows you how to tag the three most common kinds of online campaigns - banner ads, email campaigns, and paid keywords.
Click on the image for enlarge preview
Google Analytics - Tag Advertising Campaigns
Notice For AdWords Users:
If you are going for only tracking AdWords campaigns, you may ignore this step. Once you have linked your AdWords and Analytics accounts, AdWords keywords are automatically tagged with the required tracking criterias.
Tagging your online ads is an important prerequisite to allowing Google Analytics to show you which marketing activities are really paying off. Tagging involves inserting and defining specific variables into the links that lead to your website.
In Generally you need to tag all of your paid keyword links, your banners and other ads, and the links inside your promotional email messages, except those in Google AdWords, which are automatically tagged. Fortunately, the tagging process goes smoothly once you understand how to differentiate your campaigns.
For quick start refer this table below.
If you are going for only tracking AdWords campaigns, you may ignore this step. Once you have linked your AdWords and Analytics accounts, AdWords keywords are automatically tagged with the required tracking criterias.
Tagging your online ads is an important prerequisite to allowing Google Analytics to show you which marketing activities are really paying off. Tagging involves inserting and defining specific variables into the links that lead to your website.
In Generally you need to tag all of your paid keyword links, your banners and other ads, and the links inside your promotional email messages, except those in Google AdWords, which are automatically tagged. Fortunately, the tagging process goes smoothly once you understand how to differentiate your campaigns.
For quick start refer this table below.
An Sample URL:
http://www.yourexamplewebsite.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc &utm_term=exampleword &utm_content=campaign1 &utm_campaign=exampleproduct
http://www.yourexamplewebsite.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc &utm_term=exampleword &utm_content=campaign1 &utm_campaign=exampleproduct
Google Analytics - Tacking PDF,AVI, WMV Files In Download Section
Tracking PDF,AVI, WMV etc.. is very important in this regards. That is major point to the website money making efforts. Mostly those files are located in your website's download section.
Lets see how we doing this task.
Your Google Analytics Master provides an easy way to track clicks on links that lead to file downloads. Because these links do not lead to a page on your site containing the tracking code, you'll need to tag the link itself with the _trackPageview() JavaScript if you would like to track these downloads.
This piece of JavaScript assigns a pageview to any click on a link - the pageview is attributed to the filename you specify.
For exampleLets see how we doing this task.
Your Google Analytics Master provides an easy way to track clicks on links that lead to file downloads. Because these links do not lead to a page on your site containing the tracking code, you'll need to tag the link itself with the _trackPageview() JavaScript if you would like to track these downloads.
This piece of JavaScript assigns a pageview to any click on a link - the pageview is attributed to the filename you specify.
To log every click on a particular link to www.yoursite.com/files/map.pdf as a pageview for /downloads/map you would add the following attribute to the link's <> tag:
< href=" http://www.example.com/files/map.pdf " onclick= "javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview ( ' /downloads/map ' ); ">
1. Please remove the all spaces in codes before you use.
2. If your pages include a call to _trackPageview, _setAllowLinker _trackTrans(), your Analytics tracking code must be placed in your HTML code above any of these calls. In these cases the tracking code can be placed anywhere between the opening <> tag and the JavaScript call.
To verify that _trackPageviewis being called correctly, you can check your Top Content report 24-48 hours after the updated tracking code has been executed. You should be able to see the assigned PageName in your report.
1. Please remove the all spaces in codes before you use.
2. If your pages include a call to _trackPageview, _setAllowLinker _trackTrans(), your Analytics tracking code must be placed in your HTML code above any of these calls. In these cases the tracking code can be placed anywhere between the opening <> tag and the JavaScript call.
To verify that _trackPageviewis being called correctly, you can check your Top Content report 24-48 hours after the updated tracking code has been executed. You should be able to see the assigned PageName in your report.
Google Analytics - Manual Process Of "Track Clicks On Outbound links"
You can definitely use Google Analytics to track clicks, on links that lead away from your site.
Why because links that lead away from your site are not automatically tracked, you will need to manually tag all outbound links you want to track.
To do this task, you'll add some JavaScript customizations to your page and to the links you want to track.
Why because links that lead away from your site are not automatically tracked, you will need to manually tag all outbound links you want to track.
To do this task, you'll add some JavaScript customizations to your page and to the links you want to track.
1. Set up Event Tracking in your Analytics Tracking code.
This is a very simple matter of adding the following line to the tracking code for your pages after the page tracking object is set up:
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(' UA-XXXXX-X ');
pageTracker._trackPageview( ) ;
2. Add a JavaScript method in the head of your document to delay the outbound click by a fraction of a second.
This delay will hardly be noticeable by the user, but it will provide the browser more time load the tracking code. Without this method, it's possible that a user can click on the outbound link before the tracking code loads, in which case the event will not be recorded. Here's what theJavaScript code in the <> section should look like (assuming you will use your own tracking code ID);
< type="text/javascript">
function recordOutboundLink(link, category, action) {
try {
var pageTracker=_gat._getTracker(" UA-XXXXX-X ");
pageTracker._trackEvent(category, action);
setTimeout('document.location = "' + link.href + ' " ', 100 )
}catch(err){ }
< /script >
3. Update your outbound links to call the new function without first following the link.
For an example, to log every click on a particular link to www.mysite.com, you would use the _trackEvent( ) method in the link's <> tag:
< href=" http://www.example.com " onclick="recordOutboundLink(this, 'Outbound Links', ' example.com ') ; return false; ">
For an example, to log every click on a particular link to www.mysite.com, you would use the _trackEvent( ) method in the link's <> tag:
< href=" http://www.example.com " onclick="recordOutboundLink(this, 'Outbound Links', ' example.com ') ; return false; ">
The example above uses the category label Outbound Links. This is a useful way to categorize all outbound links in the Event Tracking reports. It sets the specific name of the website as the second parameter in the call. With this structure in place, you could then see Outbound Links as one of the event categories and drill down to see which particular outbound links are the most popular. Be sure to use return false for the onClick handler, because without that statement the browser will follow the link before the RecordOutboundLink method has a chance to execute.
Important Notice;
Ignore all the spaces indicated in the codes for use.
Google Analytics - Track Each Steps
May be you are in confusion regarding this;
The URLs for each step in my Defined Funnel Paths are identical. How can I track each step as if it were a unique URL?
You may love to track visitors' progress, through a funnel which has the same URL for each step.
You may love to track visitors' progress, through a funnel which has the same URL for each step.
Follow this simple example, your sign up funnel might look like this;
Step 1 (Sign Up) - www.yoursite.com/sign_up.cgi
Step 2 (Accept Agreement) - www.yoursite.com/sign_up.cgi
Step 3 (Finish) - www.yoursite.com/sign_up.cgi
To get around this, you can call the _trackPageview function within each step (probably within an onload event), as follows:
pageTracker._trackPageview ( " /funnel_G1/step1.html " )
pageTracker._trackPageview ( " /funnel_G1/step2.html " )
pageTracker._trackPageview ( " /funnel_G1/step3.html " )
Now, set up each step of your funnel to be:
Please mention that the path/filename argument need not represent an existing path or filename. The argument to _trackPageview simply provides a made-up pagename to which Google Analytics can attach pageviews.
Important Note
1. Please ignore the spaces in codes.
2.Please note that your analytics tracking code and calls to _gat._getTracker must be placed on the page above the call to _trackPageview.
2.Please note that your analytics tracking code and calls to _gat._getTracker must be placed on the page above the call to _trackPageview.
< src=" https://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js " type= " text/javascript ">
< /script >
< type=" text/javascript ">
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker (" UA-xxxxxx-x ") ;
pageTracker._trackPageview() ;
< /script >
To get confirm that _trackPageview is being called correctly, you can check your Top Content report 24-48 hours after the updated tracking code has been executed. You should be able to see the assigned PageName in your report.
Goals And Funnels Setup For Dynamically Generated Pages
Dynamic URLs
When URLs are keywords or other parameters, you can use the corresponding options when entering funnel or conversion goal URL’s addresses. There are three types available, as showing below.
Exact Match
This option requires that the URLs entered as your funnel or conversion goal match the URLs shown in the reports exactly - there can be no dynamic session identifiers, for example.
Head Match
If your URL is always the same for this step of your funnel, but is followed by unique session or user identifiers, use the Head Match filter and leave out the unique values.
For example, if the URL for a particular user is;
' www.yoursite.com/checkout.cgi?page=1&id=9982251615 ' but the ' id ' varies for every other user, enter 'www.yoursite.com/checkout.cgi?page=1 ' and select Head Match as your Match Type.
Regular Expression Match
Uses regular expressions to match your URLs. This is useful when the stem, trailing parameters, or both can vary between users. For example, if a user could be coming from one of many subdomains, and your URLs use session identifiers, use regular expressions to define the constant element of your URL.
For example,
Identical URLs Across Multiple Steps
You may also wish to track visitors' progress through a funnel which has the same URL for each step.
For example, your sign up funnel might look like this;
Step 1 (Sign Up): www.yoursite.com/sign_up.cgi
Step 2 (Accept Agreement): www.yoursite.com/sign_up.cgi
Step 3 (Finish): www.yoursite.com/sign_up.cgi
To get around this, you can call the _trackPageview function within each step (probably within an onload event), as shown below.
Then set up each step of your funnel to be;
The path/filename argument need not represent an existing path or filename. The argument to _trackPageview simply provides a made-up pagename to which Google Analytics can attach pageviews.
Important Note:
1. Please ignore the spaces between codes.
2. If your pages include a call to _trackPageview, _setAllowLinker _trackTrans(), your Analytics tracking code must be placed in your HTML code above any of these calls. In these cases the tracking code can be placed anywhere between the opening tag and the JavaScript call.
When URLs are keywords or other parameters, you can use the corresponding options when entering funnel or conversion goal URL’s addresses. There are three types available, as showing below.
Exact Match
This option requires that the URLs entered as your funnel or conversion goal match the URLs shown in the reports exactly - there can be no dynamic session identifiers, for example.
Head Match
If your URL is always the same for this step of your funnel, but is followed by unique session or user identifiers, use the Head Match filter and leave out the unique values.
For example, if the URL for a particular user is;
' www.yoursite.com/checkout.cgi?page=1&id=9982251615 ' but the ' id ' varies for every other user, enter 'www.yoursite.com/checkout.cgi?page=1 ' and select Head Match as your Match Type.
Regular Expression Match
Uses regular expressions to match your URLs. This is useful when the stem, trailing parameters, or both can vary between users. For example, if a user could be coming from one of many subdomains, and your URLs use session identifiers, use regular expressions to define the constant element of your URL.
For example,
' page=1 ' will match
' making.example.com/checkout.cgi?page=1&id=002, ' as well as
' marketing.example.com/checkout.cgi?page=1&language=fr&id=19. '
' making.example.com/checkout.cgi?page=1&id=002, ' as well as
' marketing.example.com/checkout.cgi?page=1&language=fr&id=19. '
Identical URLs Across Multiple Steps
You may also wish to track visitors' progress through a funnel which has the same URL for each step.
For example, your sign up funnel might look like this;
Step 1 (Sign Up): www.yoursite.com/sign_up.cgi
Step 2 (Accept Agreement): www.yoursite.com/sign_up.cgi
Step 3 (Finish): www.yoursite.com/sign_up.cgi
To get around this, you can call the _trackPageview function within each step (probably within an onload event), as shown below.
pageTracker._trackPageview(" /funnel_G1/step1.html "); pageTracker._trackPageview(" /funnel_G1/step2.html "); pageTracker._trackPageview(" /funnel_G1/step3.html ");
Then set up each step of your funnel to be;
The path/filename argument need not represent an existing path or filename. The argument to _trackPageview simply provides a made-up pagename to which Google Analytics can attach pageviews.
Important Note:
1. Please ignore the spaces between codes.
2. If your pages include a call to _trackPageview, _setAllowLinker _trackTrans(), your Analytics tracking code must be placed in your HTML code above any of these calls. In these cases the tracking code can be placed anywhere between the opening tag and the JavaScript call.
Google Analytics - AdWords Accounts,Goals And Sequences
Link With Your AdWords Account
For advertisers, AdWords, Google Analytics can currently cost data from AdWords campaigns. To link your AdWords and Analytics accounts, log in to your AdWords account and follow the instructions after clicking on the button"Google Analytics"on the Reports tab.
Create Goals And Sequences
If your site is designed to attract visitors to a page, for example, buy-side or electronic application, you can track the number of successful conversions using goals and funnels in Google Analytics.
The aim of the page the user of the website after he or she made a purchase or other desired action, such as a registration or download.
A funnel represents the path, the visitor must pass to reach the goal. Defining these pages you can see how frequently visitors leave the target (and where they go instead) and the utility of the goal.
Each profile can have up to four goals with a specific sequence for each. To determine the objectives and process:
Enter The Objectives.
1. From Google Analytics Settings page, find the profile for which you will be creating goals and click Edit.
2. Select one of the 4 goal slots available for that profile and click Edit.
3. Enter URL target. The realization of this Web site constitutes a successful implementation.
For example, a registration confirmation page, a checkout page or a thank you page.
4. Enter Goal name as it should appear in your account, Google Analytics.
5. Turn on target. This choice solves the Google Analytics This conversion goal to pursue at this time. Normally want L.'to set the Active Goal On.
Next, Determine The Order Of The Transition Follow.
1. Enter URL of the first page of the transition. This page should be a page to all users working their way to your destination. For example, do when you are tracking user flow through your checkout pages, not a product page as a step in the funnel.
2. Enter Name for this step.
3. If This step is a necessary step in the conversion, you choose from the box on the right side. If this option is activated, users reaching your goal page without traveling through this funnel page will not be counted as conversions.
4. Continue entering goal steps, is fully defined until your funnel. You can save up 10 steps, or only one step.
Finally, Configure Additional Settings By Following These Steps.
1. If URL, introduced above-sensitive activate the check box.
2. Enter objective value
This value is in calculating the ROI on Google Analytics', and can be considered a fixed value for a page or a dynamic value from the receipt page of the e-commerce.
3. Select Match Type
There are three different types of games you can for your goal: Exact, Head, or a regular expression to choose.
Exact matching
This advise requires that the URLs entered as your funnel and goal URLs exactly match the URLs shown in the reports. For example, there can be no dynamic session identifiers or query parameters.
Note: If you are using an exact match for a goal (i.e. http://domain.com/yourpage.html), any trailing spaces will cause the goal to be invalid. If you are using partial matching (i.e. ^/page.html), trailing spaces are not an issue.
Head Match
If your site dynamic content, use the filter head of the game and the unique values. For example, if the URL is different for a particular user http://www.example.com/checkout.cgi?page=1&id=9982251615, but the ID for each user to enter checkout http://www.yourdomain.com/ . cgi? page = 1, and then the head of the game as the match type.
4. Click "Save Changes" to create, terminate this Goal and funnel, or Cancel to not save.
For advertisers, AdWords, Google Analytics can currently cost data from AdWords campaigns. To link your AdWords and Analytics accounts, log in to your AdWords account and follow the instructions after clicking on the button"Google Analytics"on the Reports tab.
Create Goals And Sequences
If your site is designed to attract visitors to a page, for example, buy-side or electronic application, you can track the number of successful conversions using goals and funnels in Google Analytics.
The aim of the page the user of the website after he or she made a purchase or other desired action, such as a registration or download.
A funnel represents the path, the visitor must pass to reach the goal. Defining these pages you can see how frequently visitors leave the target (and where they go instead) and the utility of the goal.
Each profile can have up to four goals with a specific sequence for each. To determine the objectives and process:
Enter The Objectives.
1. From Google Analytics Settings page, find the profile for which you will be creating goals and click Edit.
2. Select one of the 4 goal slots available for that profile and click Edit.
3. Enter URL target. The realization of this Web site constitutes a successful implementation.
For example, a registration confirmation page, a checkout page or a thank you page.
4. Enter Goal name as it should appear in your account, Google Analytics.
5. Turn on target. This choice solves the Google Analytics This conversion goal to pursue at this time. Normally want L.'to set the Active Goal On.
Next, Determine The Order Of The Transition Follow.
1. Enter URL of the first page of the transition. This page should be a page to all users working their way to your destination. For example, do when you are tracking user flow through your checkout pages, not a product page as a step in the funnel.
2. Enter Name for this step.
3. If This step is a necessary step in the conversion, you choose from the box on the right side. If this option is activated, users reaching your goal page without traveling through this funnel page will not be counted as conversions.
4. Continue entering goal steps, is fully defined until your funnel. You can save up 10 steps, or only one step.
Finally, Configure Additional Settings By Following These Steps.
1. If URL, introduced above-sensitive activate the check box.
2. Enter objective value
This value is in calculating the ROI on Google Analytics', and can be considered a fixed value for a page or a dynamic value from the receipt page of the e-commerce.
3. Select Match Type
There are three different types of games you can for your goal: Exact, Head, or a regular expression to choose.
Exact matching
This advise requires that the URLs entered as your funnel and goal URLs exactly match the URLs shown in the reports. For example, there can be no dynamic session identifiers or query parameters.
Note: If you are using an exact match for a goal (i.e. http://domain.com/yourpage.html), any trailing spaces will cause the goal to be invalid. If you are using partial matching (i.e. ^/page.html), trailing spaces are not an issue.
Head Match
If your site dynamic content, use the filter head of the game and the unique values. For example, if the URL is different for a particular user http://www.example.com/checkout.cgi?page=1&id=9982251615, but the ID for each user to enter checkout http://www.yourdomain.com/ . cgi? page = 1, and then the head of the game as the match type.
4. Click "Save Changes" to create, terminate this Goal and funnel, or Cancel to not save.
Google Analytics - Basic Overview,Frame Pages And Database Driven Websites
Basic Overview (Installation)
Copy and paste the code segment into the bottom of your content directly in front.
Code for each page that you plan to pursue. If you use a regular additions or template, you can specify them here.
Copy and paste the code segment into the bottom of your content directly in front.
Code for each page that you plan to pursue. If you use a regular additions or template, you can specify them here.

You'll have to"xxxx-x"in the example above update with your own Google Analytics account number. You can find your personalized tracking code in its entirety, in accordance with the
Instructions For Where Can I access My Tracking Code?
If you completion of this step, Google Analytics will begin collecting traffic data. You'll be able to see data in your reports within 24 hours.
Database Driven Websites
Place the tracking code on your index.php page or equivalent (eg. default.php, index.cfm).
Pages With Frames
A web page containing frames will generate multiple pageviews. One for the framing page (containing either a FRAMESET or IFRAME tag in HTML code) and a display for each page in a frame. As a result, page views are somewhat inflated. Even if a page on your site only appears as a frame for another page, we still recommend tagging with the entire tracking code. If a visitor reaches the page through a search engine or a direct link from another page and contains the site doesn't tracking code to references and lost keywords or campaigns from the source.
How Do I Interpret The Reports For A Website That Has Frames?
A web page containing frames will generate multiple pageviews: one contains the framing page (either a frameset or iframe tag within its HTML code) and a display for each page in a frame.
In your navigation reports, each of these pageviews will appear in sequence:
Framing page> frame page 1> frame page 2
The result can Visitors> Visitor Behavior> Depth of Visit report and the total number of your pageviews may be slightly increased.
Even if a page on your site only appears as a frame for another page, we still recommend tagging it with the tracking code. If a visitor reaches the page through a search engine or a direct link from another page and contains the site doesn't tracking code to references and lost keywords or campaigns from the source.
Instructions For Where Can I access My Tracking Code?
If you completion of this step, Google Analytics will begin collecting traffic data. You'll be able to see data in your reports within 24 hours.
Database Driven Websites
Place the tracking code on your index.php page or equivalent (eg. default.php, index.cfm).
Pages With Frames
A web page containing frames will generate multiple pageviews. One for the framing page (containing either a FRAMESET or IFRAME tag in HTML code) and a display for each page in a frame. As a result, page views are somewhat inflated. Even if a page on your site only appears as a frame for another page, we still recommend tagging with the entire tracking code. If a visitor reaches the page through a search engine or a direct link from another page and contains the site doesn't tracking code to references and lost keywords or campaigns from the source.
How Do I Interpret The Reports For A Website That Has Frames?
A web page containing frames will generate multiple pageviews: one contains the framing page (either a frameset or iframe tag within its HTML code) and a display for each page in a frame.
In your navigation reports, each of these pageviews will appear in sequence:
Framing page> frame page 1> frame page 2
The result can Visitors> Visitor Behavior> Depth of Visit report and the total number of your pageviews may be slightly increased.
Even if a page on your site only appears as a frame for another page, we still recommend tagging it with the tracking code. If a visitor reaches the page through a search engine or a direct link from another page and contains the site doesn't tracking code to references and lost keywords or campaigns from the source.
Google Analytics Can Makes Miracle Google AdSense Earnings
Here we go to see what are the rest of ways that we have to increase our Google AdSense Earnings.
There are so many tools in cyber space to increase our AdSense Earnings. We have to pay most of them.
Lets continue the 3rd way using with a FREE tool provided by the Google AdSense.
3. Google Analytics
This is very useful thing. If your working with Google Analytics very correctly you need not anything to increase your AdSense Earnings. You can use your GAA E-mail address to logging in the Google Analytics Account.
Very simply you can find the right side top area “+ add new profile” option.
Click it.
Then you can see two options
1. Add a Profile for a new domain
2. Add a Profile for an existing domain
If you are doing very first time this you have to choose the first option. If you are adding a profile to an existing domain you have to choose second option.
Provide your website url and select the Time zone country or territory there.
Then click continue button.
Then Google Analytics will give you the Analytics Code.
Copy it from there and Paste it on the webpage header section before the head closing tag.
Click on “Save and Finish” Button to complete the task.
After that you in the Google Analytics “Over View” Page.
You can see analytics pending sign on your profile under the “Status” tab. You need not to worry about it because it is normal way. Google Analytics needs to collect your data to show there.
Google Analytics is with very user friendly functions. Working with it is really simple.
When you can see the “write” sign on your profile under the “Status” tab that means you are ready to read the analytics.
Google Analytics can show you the ways to miracle Google AdSense Earnings.
We will discuss more about it in next step.
There are so many tools in cyber space to increase our AdSense Earnings. We have to pay most of them.
Lets continue the 3rd way using with a FREE tool provided by the Google AdSense.
3. Google Analytics
This is very useful thing. If your working with Google Analytics very correctly you need not anything to increase your AdSense Earnings. You can use your GAA E-mail address to logging in the Google Analytics Account.
Very simply you can find the right side top area “+ add new profile” option.
Click it.
Then you can see two options
1. Add a Profile for a new domain
2. Add a Profile for an existing domain
If you are doing very first time this you have to choose the first option. If you are adding a profile to an existing domain you have to choose second option.
Provide your website url and select the Time zone country or territory there.
Then click continue button.
Then Google Analytics will give you the Analytics Code.
Copy it from there and Paste it on the webpage header section before the head closing tag.
Click on “Save and Finish” Button to complete the task.
After that you in the Google Analytics “Over View” Page.
You can see analytics pending sign on your profile under the “Status” tab. You need not to worry about it because it is normal way. Google Analytics needs to collect your data to show there.
Google Analytics is with very user friendly functions. Working with it is really simple.
When you can see the “write” sign on your profile under the “Status” tab that means you are ready to read the analytics.
Google Analytics can show you the ways to miracle Google AdSense Earnings.
We will discuss more about it in next step.
Why My Google AdSense Earnings Pretty Low?
Hope you all now have the good basic knowledge about Google Keyword Tool that I described in my earlier post.
Google Keyword Tool gives good keywords research for your website free. That is the main advantage comparing to other keyword tools in the same field. Google AdSense is the best way to make money with your website. Earning money online is really interesting thing. It gives you the high satisfaction and comfort with Google AdSense. Making money with your website is not hard when you are following the correct and genuine methods of Google AdSense.
These are the most common and main questions in Google AdSense Programme.
I have setup my website perfectly with Google AdSense,
1. Why My Google AdSense Earnings Pretty Low?
2. What Are The Ways To Improve AdSense Earnings?
I have analyzed some important facts related to these questions as answers. I have found the main sources for this information from E-Books and my Self Studding of theGoogle AdSense. I decided to share with that information with you here.
1. Most important first thing is your Website Content SHOULD BE UNIQUE. Then you can find good start for make money with your website. Then you can enjoying hundreds of dollars a day from Adsense ads on your website or websites. As a creator of a website you always need to have different mind for your site content comparing to other websites.
2. Don’t Deceive – Don’t Destroy
Some people are giving wrong advises to the AdSense Publishers to practice. They are giving these advises to see them the AdSense Results through your website. Might be it is genuine advise may be not. So you have to be very careful about these cases. Google AdSense is really genuine programme. We all can go to big target according to the correct methods. May be we have to wait little time. We have to be in patient for that time period.
If you really want to test that kind of method to increase your Google AdSense Earnings, first you compare it with Google AdSense TOS. Then you are safe.
If you are not the result will come as “Your Google AdSense Account Is Banned”. So you need not see it.
Lets continue the rest in the next post.
Google Keyword Tool gives good keywords research for your website free. That is the main advantage comparing to other keyword tools in the same field. Google AdSense is the best way to make money with your website. Earning money online is really interesting thing. It gives you the high satisfaction and comfort with Google AdSense. Making money with your website is not hard when you are following the correct and genuine methods of Google AdSense.
These are the most common and main questions in Google AdSense Programme.
I have setup my website perfectly with Google AdSense,
1. Why My Google AdSense Earnings Pretty Low?
2. What Are The Ways To Improve AdSense Earnings?
I have analyzed some important facts related to these questions as answers. I have found the main sources for this information from E-Books and my Self Studding of theGoogle AdSense. I decided to share with that information with you here.
1. Most important first thing is your Website Content SHOULD BE UNIQUE. Then you can find good start for make money with your website. Then you can enjoying hundreds of dollars a day from Adsense ads on your website or websites. As a creator of a website you always need to have different mind for your site content comparing to other websites.
2. Don’t Deceive – Don’t Destroy
Some people are giving wrong advises to the AdSense Publishers to practice. They are giving these advises to see them the AdSense Results through your website. Might be it is genuine advise may be not. So you have to be very careful about these cases. Google AdSense is really genuine programme. We all can go to big target according to the correct methods. May be we have to wait little time. We have to be in patient for that time period.
If you really want to test that kind of method to increase your Google AdSense Earnings, first you compare it with Google AdSense TOS. Then you are safe.
If you are not the result will come as “Your Google AdSense Account Is Banned”. So you need not see it.
Lets continue the rest in the next post.
WebSite Content And Usage Of Google Adword Keyword Tool
Website Content is the main key of your AdSense Earnings. You have to decide what is the most suitable keywords for your website very first.
How you decide the Website Content.
First you decide few Website Content subject vise.
That is not enough for better selection of your website content.
We have few free and more useful tools in the web to select the best website keywords.
Google Adwords Keyword Tool is one of best key word selection tool of them.
This is very important when you are writing your articles to the website. It can make all the difference in the amount and quality of the visitors you receive to view your article. I am going to take you through a step-by-step process, that I actually used, to research one of my articles using the Google Adword Keyword Tool.
Let’s see how we use the Google Adword Keyword Tool.
1. Open another tab on your browser and go to Google Adword Keyword Tool.
The Link to the Google Adwords Keyword Tool :
You can read this article and following these instructions on the Google Adword Keyword Tool on the other tab.
2. Conduct a search for keywords having to do invite for Online Dating. Type in the words "Online Dating Invitation" in the Keyword Box. Enter the security word (you will have to do this occasionally if your session times out). Click on "Get Keyword Ideas"
3. Look at the first item in the table that appears. It is the words " Online Dating Invitation ", in the first column. The second column shows the amount of advertisers competition for those words. The third column has November's search volume. The fourth column is the Average search volume for a 12 month period. That means that 27,000 people are looking for those words every month. That's a pretty good number.
4. Learn a trick that will help you earn more when those visitors come to view your article. Your ads need to be appropriate to the content of your article. You want ads that pay the best price for the keywordes you are using. To determing that, go to that little box above the table that says "Choose Columns to Display"? Click on the arrow and it will show you a list of columns that can also be included on your table
5. CLICK ON "Show Estimated Avg CPC". That will bring up a column that shows money amounts. CPC is Cost Per Click. That is the amount of money an advertiser is paying for those keywords. Think of it as renting space on your article page for advertising. See the number that came up with my search words? The advertisers are only paying .05 cents per click. That's terrible. I don't want that! I want a higher paying CPC. What can I do?
6. Find related words. Looking down the list of other suggested keywords and phrases, you will see that none of them are paying very well. Let's think of other words to use that would mean the same thing as " Online Dating Invitation ". Let's try, "Online Adventures" Put "Online Adventures " in the keyword search box and click "Get Keyword Ideas". What comes up now? Nothing for my exact words, but look below at "Additional Keywords to Consider". Wow, some of those are paying much better. How can I adjust my keywords to take advantage of those higher paying ads?
7. Click on the Heading of the column "Estimated Avg CPC". It will order everything from lowest paid to highest paid. Click on it again and it will reverse the order.
8 . Analyze the words. Since the words " Online Adventures " didn't work good, but Sorry seems to be a good word, Let's try a new keyword search. Type in "Online Marketing", and do a new search. BINGO! The CPC still isn't great money, but it's better AND it has more searchers. There is debate about what volume of searchers is optimal. Many believe that the lower the volume, the more targeted your audience is, and the better that is for you. Since I first wrote this article, I tend to be in that crowd. Larger search volume usually means that your article will get lost in millions of other pages on the web that cover that same subject. I go for search volumes of under 35,000 now.
9. Consider Advertiser competition. If the competition for your chosen keyword phrase is high, your ads should stay relevant all the time. If the competition is low, that you may find weird ads on your page at the end of the month, quarter, or year. Advertisers often budget and put an automatic stop when they have reached their stop point. Those ads will drop off of the page and may be replaced with completely unrelated ads that don't help you at all.
I believe now you all have the better knowledge to chose the website content keywords using with the Google Adword Keyword Tool.
Practice it...!
How you decide the Website Content.
First you decide few Website Content subject vise.
That is not enough for better selection of your website content.
We have few free and more useful tools in the web to select the best website keywords.
Google Adwords Keyword Tool is one of best key word selection tool of them.
This is very important when you are writing your articles to the website. It can make all the difference in the amount and quality of the visitors you receive to view your article. I am going to take you through a step-by-step process, that I actually used, to research one of my articles using the Google Adword Keyword Tool.
Let’s see how we use the Google Adword Keyword Tool.
1. Open another tab on your browser and go to Google Adword Keyword Tool.
The Link to the Google Adwords Keyword Tool :
You can read this article and following these instructions on the Google Adword Keyword Tool on the other tab.
2. Conduct a search for keywords having to do invite for Online Dating. Type in the words "Online Dating Invitation" in the Keyword Box. Enter the security word (you will have to do this occasionally if your session times out). Click on "Get Keyword Ideas"
3. Look at the first item in the table that appears. It is the words " Online Dating Invitation ", in the first column. The second column shows the amount of advertisers competition for those words. The third column has November's search volume. The fourth column is the Average search volume for a 12 month period. That means that 27,000 people are looking for those words every month. That's a pretty good number.
4. Learn a trick that will help you earn more when those visitors come to view your article. Your ads need to be appropriate to the content of your article. You want ads that pay the best price for the keywordes you are using. To determing that, go to that little box above the table that says "Choose Columns to Display"? Click on the arrow and it will show you a list of columns that can also be included on your table
5. CLICK ON "Show Estimated Avg CPC". That will bring up a column that shows money amounts. CPC is Cost Per Click. That is the amount of money an advertiser is paying for those keywords. Think of it as renting space on your article page for advertising. See the number that came up with my search words? The advertisers are only paying .05 cents per click. That's terrible. I don't want that! I want a higher paying CPC. What can I do?
6. Find related words. Looking down the list of other suggested keywords and phrases, you will see that none of them are paying very well. Let's think of other words to use that would mean the same thing as " Online Dating Invitation ". Let's try, "Online Adventures" Put "Online Adventures " in the keyword search box and click "Get Keyword Ideas". What comes up now? Nothing for my exact words, but look below at "Additional Keywords to Consider". Wow, some of those are paying much better. How can I adjust my keywords to take advantage of those higher paying ads?
7. Click on the Heading of the column "Estimated Avg CPC". It will order everything from lowest paid to highest paid. Click on it again and it will reverse the order.
8 . Analyze the words. Since the words " Online Adventures " didn't work good, but Sorry seems to be a good word, Let's try a new keyword search. Type in "Online Marketing", and do a new search. BINGO! The CPC still isn't great money, but it's better AND it has more searchers. There is debate about what volume of searchers is optimal. Many believe that the lower the volume, the more targeted your audience is, and the better that is for you. Since I first wrote this article, I tend to be in that crowd. Larger search volume usually means that your article will get lost in millions of other pages on the web that cover that same subject. I go for search volumes of under 35,000 now.
9. Consider Advertiser competition. If the competition for your chosen keyword phrase is high, your ads should stay relevant all the time. If the competition is low, that you may find weird ads on your page at the end of the month, quarter, or year. Advertisers often budget and put an automatic stop when they have reached their stop point. Those ads will drop off of the page and may be replaced with completely unrelated ads that don't help you at all.
I believe now you all have the better knowledge to chose the website content keywords using with the Google Adword Keyword Tool.
Practice it...!
Color Combinations
Color Combination is one of the most important part in AdSense Programme. Not only the website text color The Combination I’m describing is directly attached with the website color too.
Users are the Livewire for any kind of internet marketing programme. These keys should need to enter our website to get clicks and earn money through the genuine clicks. In this Color Combination thing you have to be very smart to choose the colors.
Most websites senior campaigners are saying most clickable color is Blue. They are saying it with their prior experience and practice. I also agree with that color. Blue color combinations are really good for eye. There is a more temptation in blue color more than others.
May be you are not touch with that blue color combination. But you need not to worry about the color combination presently you are using. The blue colors add combination idea was that color has more advantage more than other colors to eye. That’s all. Don’t get miss understand the basic idea. Hope you all got it correctly.
Your website has really good go with the most suitable color combination adds. Always plan everything with very simple. Then users can understand the point very easily. Then you can go your target very soon.
Users are the Livewire for any kind of internet marketing programme. These keys should need to enter our website to get clicks and earn money through the genuine clicks. In this Color Combination thing you have to be very smart to choose the colors.
Most websites senior campaigners are saying most clickable color is Blue. They are saying it with their prior experience and practice. I also agree with that color. Blue color combinations are really good for eye. There is a more temptation in blue color more than others.
May be you are not touch with that blue color combination. But you need not to worry about the color combination presently you are using. The blue colors add combination idea was that color has more advantage more than other colors to eye. That’s all. Don’t get miss understand the basic idea. Hope you all got it correctly.
Your website has really good go with the most suitable color combination adds. Always plan everything with very simple. Then users can understand the point very easily. Then you can go your target very soon.
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