Why Is This Blog?

I got nearly 3 years to collect my first Adsense Cheque. I did lots of experiments to increase my earnings. And still I'm doing it to get more earnings. Most of people who are doing this programme saying that the increasing of earning from AdSense programme is very hard. I can agree with them with some way. Because I also faced very hard time in my past till I got my friend AdSense Cheque.

But my friends I do like to mention If you follow the correct rules of Adsense then you have a good chance to collect your first AdSense Cheque and going with it smoothly.

According to my experience most important facts are;

1. Be Patient
2. Your Website Includes
3. Add Placement
4. Day to day Site Update
5. Publishing

From here I'm sharing with you my AdSense Knowledge to all. I hope you can find some of solution to your earning problems with AdSense here. That is why this blog is. You also can share your ideas, Questions, Your experiences and knowledge here. I appreciate it on behalf of Google AdSense Programme.


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